Industry Noise

Software Solutions for Emission Modelling

Industry Noise

Industry applications of LimA include emission calculations of mining sites, wind turbines, shooting ranges, power plants, oil refineries, container terminals and more. What makes LimA stand out from other competitors, is the ability to calculate emissions in a modular way and to perform reverse calculations where noise sources are unknown.

Urban Commercial Facilities

Noise assessment is a fundamental planning requirement for building permissions of commercial facilities. The aim is to assess the modulated noise levels at different daytimes and with different configurations. LimA's modular model built makes it easy to calculate different scenarios in one go and find the solution that fits the restrictions. Different emission places and times thus can be integrated in the model and combined at will.

Wind Turbines

Wind turbines can disturb residents by throwing shadows and emitting noise. Under many regulations the shadowing effect as well as the noise emissions have to be presented prior to building consent. LimA can handle both tasks with ease.

Construction Noise

Large construction projects involve big machinery and thus big noise. LimA has implemented the STANDARD XY according to which construction noise has to be assessed prior to the construction start.

Reverse Calculation

In comparison to road noise calculations where the number and location of emissions can be easily identified, complex industrial facilities like oil refineries can pose a big challenge because emission sources are obscure. Reverse calculation allows to include sound measurements taken in the field and use them to refine models with partially known sources. LimA can also estimate the spectrum composition of the unknown sources.

Inverse Mapping

When planning ressource explorations, it is often not the question if noise levels will exceed the legal limits, but how to implement the project while staying in the bounds of noise regulation. Planners need to maximize the area and time in which the operation can take place to maximize efficiency. An easy way to do this is inverse mapping: Emitting sources are placed on the borders of noise sensitive areas and emissions are calculated in the opposite direction. The noise level areas describe the areas in which the emitters (excavator for example) can operate at designated levels.

Optimization of Noise Quotas

When new industrial or commercial estates are being developped, building consents require an acoustic assessment that assures that the noise levels are kept within the legal bounds. To avoid that noise quotas are distributed on a first come first serve basis, it is necessary to optimize the emissions levels and to define quotas for each building site. LimA has integrated this process within its industry noise processing package. Simply create receptors at adjoining buildings with day/ night max-levels and create noise sources to be optimized. You can also integrate existing noise sources that shall not be changed. The optimization target is to maximize the total allowable emission for the area.

Industry Noise Calculation Methods:

Harmonoise, ISO 9613, BS 5228, MSZ 15036, DIN 18005, VDI 2714 – 2720 – 2571, Interimsverfahren Windkraft, VBUI